I have no desire to wade too far into the political waters but my wife will no longer play euchre because she refuses to follow trump and I don’t have enough lip balm to keep my mouth shut.
It is interesting that POTUS’ promise to “Drain the Swamp,” may come true, if only for the fact that he, a long-time Swamp enthusiast, has belly-flopped into the center and all the little monsters are no longer able to hide deep beneath. It seems that a lot of those politicians, both Democrat and Republican, are not amphibious as they gasp for breath on the shoreline. Our representatives are flopping around from years of dark money and careers made of campaigning. The Constitution offers us Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Life = Healthcare. Liberty = Education. Pursuit of Happiness = Security. Could we make it that simple? I appreciate having healthy, smart, safe neighbors. I like paying taxes. It’s important. We deserve to be healthy, to be lifelong learners and travel safely to our responsibilities and points of interest. Military and first-responders deserve the best equipment and technology available to protect our National interests at home and abroad. Educators need and deserve the same. Medicine and science are not best served by one-size-fits-all cash flow capitalism. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are not individual propositions but are sum parts of the whole that give our society its flow. We are an amazing prism of people that don’t deserve to be bleached out by rhetoric and an archaic process to populism. Voters have gotten our swamp packaged as a sunset over calm waters but the lurking beneath has run shallow and the masses have begun to wade in deeper. Some would like to chill on their pontoon boat and float. Others want to post “No Trespassing” signs on the water’s edge. Bunches are trying to siphon it off with straws while others make waves to bluer waters on their yachts. Whatever your pursuit, we should all be able to agree that our representatives’ political life should not be resuscitated, but be replaced. Just like the bridges, railroads, streets and buildings that crumble beneath the wait of water. The bureaucracy of autocracy seems ill-served by our elected officials who deem it necessary to add applause breaks and lounge oafishly while the reality of the TV stars a message reddened by the flop into the swamp. Be it snorkel or snark remember your vote counts and you don’t have to settle for Dynasty nor expect disaster.
AuthorComedy Store trained, World-travelled, Cul-de-sac-living recovering comedian, husband and tinkerer of tools talking about time well spent! Archives
January 2022